6 Easy Ways to Promote Your Handmade Products (Featuring A Crafty Concept)

Have you been wondering how to promote your handmade products, but just don’t know where to start? Maybe you’ve been trying to promote them on Instagram, but you just aren’t seeing the results you’ve been wanting. If this sounds like you then you’re not alone! One of the hardest parts of being a small business owner is knowing how to promote what you’ve made in order to gain customers. Often small business owners have to hustle to make every single sale, which gets exhausting especially when you don’t make any. If any of this feels like it applies to you,...

Celaena Cowl Free Crochet Pattern: Guest Blogger Knotty Gurl Crochet

It’s time for another guest designer to come onto the blog! With spring coming, there are always those cold and chilly days that sneak their way into the weather, which means having a cozy cowl still comes in handy. During the fall and winter your neck will be looking for something to keep it nice and warm no matter what cold may hit it. Today’s guest blogger Bethany has a wonderful cowl for anytime of the year! Let’s get to her free pattern! Hi! I’m Bethany from Knotty Gurl Crochet. I run an Etsy shop where I sell handmade crochet...

Faux Real Bolero FREE Crochet Pattern

You ever have one of those moments where you think you’ll never be able to do something? When I first started this blog, I never dreamed that I would be making clothes, let alone designing them. I went out on a limb though and made the Penelope Dress by Sewrella. As soon as I started working on that I knew that it was going to be taking me down a long road of garment making. Then I started thinking about what if I would actually try designing my own garments. By that point I had made a few, so I...

Top 5 Ways A Blog Grows Your Handmade Business

As a handmade business owner, you hear and see a lot of people talking about why a blog can help you grow your business. You might see income reports from bloggers showcasing how they are able to make thousands of dollars each month having a blog, and you wonder how you could ever attain that. Guess what, it’s totally possible! Having a blog gives you the opportunity to expand the reach of your handmade business, and provides a way to create content so that you don’t always have to be hustling for people to see the things you make.  ...

How to Crochet the Horizontal Puff Stitch: Photo & Video Tutorial

It’s time for another Stitching Saturday Crochet Stitch tutorial! There are so many fun crochet stitches out there that often it is extremely difficult to choose, which one to teach next. I mean, can’t we just do all of them at once? As I’ve been trying out other makers’ patterns, I’m learning lots of new stitches to begin using in my designs. One of the recent ones that I’ve come to love is the Horizontal Puff Stitch, which is what I’ll be teaching you today!   The horizontal puff stitch is made by doing a double crochet, and then yarn...

Knit Academy: How to Knit the Knit Stitch

Man, sometimes life just gets ahead of you and you have no idea how you thought you could do so much. That’s what happened to me these last two weeks, and I got way behind on delivering the rest off the Knit Academy lessons. I’m hunkering down though, determined to get them out there so that you can keep learning how to knit! Today’s lesson is all about how to knit the knit stitch. The knit stitch is hands down the most foundational stitch of knitting followed by purling. I love using the knit stitch because it’s simple technique creates...

Pizza My Heart Amigurumi Free Crochet Pattern

If there’s one food that has a pizza my heart, it’s definitely pizza! I could eat it everyday, and still want more. While I was growing up my family and I would get pizza every Friday night (and often a few Sundays too, haha) for as long as I can remember. That tradition has stuck with me, and has helped develop a deep love of pizza. My husband and I have even continued the tradition of once a week pizza because he loves it as much as I do. So of course I had to design a crochet pizza, the...